What is required, hence, quiz help incorporates a crucial object of this invention is examination help supply an auxiliary car signaling system that could be easily connected or detached from latest motor vehicles quiz help wherein the hazard blinking lights go on automatically on every occasion the motive force puts the shift lever in reverse or applies the brakes. Another critical object of this invention is examination help provide exam help simple auxiliary signaling system that can be easily attached or detached from latest motor cars quiz help which contains exam help plurality of lights that may be installed in exam help single housing or in exam help plurality of scattered another way coloured lights at the rear of the motor vehicle or trailer, quiz help which suggest whether the motor vehicle is accelerating, coasting, braking, or entering into reverse. Still an alternate object of this invention is examination help supply exam help simple signaling device in which auxiliary lights removably hooked up on the car have switches which can be easily quiz help removably connected examination help the brake quiz help accelerator pedals in the motor car quiz help which cause all of the lights in the car adding the auxiliary signaling lights exam help flash or blink exam help warn both oncoming quiz help following motorists that the driving force has utilized his brakes or put the gear shift lever in opposite. These quiz help other objects of this invention will become more apparent when better understood in the light of the accompany specification quiz help drawings in which: FIG. 1 discloses exam help perspective view of the rear of the motor car, which in the embodiment shown, has the auxiliary signaling lights installed on the rear window of the motor car. FIG.